Adam john wittmayers heratige
Adam john wittmayers heratige

It differs, however, in the use of particular elements of the complexity theory lens to focus attention on such concepts as critical transitions, tipping points, the adjacent possible (Kauffman 2000, Scheffer et al. Our definition shares with those approaches an interest in the dynamics of social innovation as it unfolds over time and an explicitly cross-scale approach (cf.

adam john wittmayers heratige

2012, Geels 2014) and sustainability transitions work (Grin et al. As such it is linked to other emergent bodies or schools of research on social change and transformation including the socio-technical transition school (Markard et al. Our approach to social innovation draws on complexity theory, resilience theory, and structuration theory (Westley et al. Successful social innovations have durability, scale, and transformative impact (Westley et al.

adam john wittmayers heratige

We introduce a framework for studying social innovation that defines successful social innovation as any project, product, process, program, platform, or policy that challenges and, over time, changes, the defining routines, resource and authority flows, or beliefs of the broader social system in which it is introduced. There is still need for systematic evaluations of empirical data geared to the creation of conceptual frameworks that allow for the cross-case analyses and have predictive power, in short theory building. Yet despite this interest, and despite the growing number of empirical case studies, many of the processes associated with social innovation remain anecdotal, ill defined, or unexplored (European Commission 2013).

adam john wittmayers heratige

In 2004, there were 815 articles that included the keyword social innovation in 2012, this number has more than doubled to 1746 (SciVerse Scopus). Key words: complexity game changers innovation North America social innovation transformative change INTRODUCTIONĪ focus on social innovation as response to complex social challenges is on the rise in the public and academic arenas.

Adam john wittmayers heratige